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 Flatten can convert 2D image to a 1D tensor Example-Image - [ 3 1 5   1 1 5] Flatten- [ 3 1 5 1 1 5 ]
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 This layer is used to downsample the shape of an image Suppose you have an image- [ 2 3 4 5   3 4 5 6   4 5 6 7 ] if pool size is (2,2) then output will [ 4 6   5 7 ]

Convolution layer

This is the main layer of feature extraction part of the convolution neural networks. Convolution layer They had a filter of shape (x,x), generally x=3 so shape of filter is (3,3). Kernel 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 2 1 Image 2 3 5 3 3 3  (2*2)+(3*2)+(5*1)+(3*3)+(3*3)+(3*3)+(3*3)+(2*2)+(1*1)=56 3 2 1 Every pixel will change by 56 of image

CNN(Convolution Neural Network)

 CNN(Convolution Neural Network) CNN is used to classify images CNN is most effective for 2D data CNN has three layers-: 1> Convolution layer for extracting feature 2> Max Pooling layer for reducing dimension 3> Flatten for Convert 2D to 1D because we have to pass to ANN prediction 4> Next ANN Network